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Presentation piece to the Emperor Charles V., 1861. Creator: Unknown.
People celebrating at the coronation of Ferdinand II in Frankfurt, 16th century., 16th century. Creator: Anon.
Facade of the Church of San Lorenzo, Florence, 1637. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Glaive of the Bodyguard of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, later Emperor Ferdinand II, 1590-1617. Creator: Unknown.
Halberd of Archduke Ferdinand II of Austria (1578-1637, Emperor from 1619), German, dated 1598. Creator: Unknown.
Frontispiece for 'The funeral of Emperor Ferdinand II' (Esequie dell'imperadore Ferdinando..., 1637. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Seni with the body of Wallenstein, 26 February 1634, (1936). Creator: Unknown.